For Parents
Nevada Breastfeeds is here to help you on your breastfeeding journey by providing information on the benefits, your rights to breastfeed in the workplace and in public, and more. Join a breastfeeding coalition and help keep breastfeeding public.

Breastfeeding provides health and financial benefits.
Good for Moms
- Saves money in formula and healthcare costs
- Provides a special bond between mom and baby
- Burns up to 600 calories a day
- Releases hormones that relax mom
- Uses a natural resource
- Makes traveling easier
- Makes diapers less stinky
- Protects mom against cancer (less risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer)
- Protects mom against diabetes and high blood pressure
- Lowers risk of postpartum depression

Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby!
Good for Babies
- Reduces baby’s risk of ear infections
- Reduces baby’s risk of stomach problems (less gas, constipation and diarrhea)
- Reduces baby’s risk of allergic reactions and asthma
- Reduces baby’s risk of SIDS, NEC, ear and gastrointestinal infections
- Reduces baby’s risk of childhood leukemia
- Provides baby with the most easily digested food
- Promotes baby’s healthy growth and development
- Reduces baby’s risk of obesity & diabetes
- May give baby a higher I.Q. – especially preemies
- Transmits mother’s immunities to baby
Get Prepared
The decision to breastfeed your infant can have lasting benefits for you and your child. Discuss this decision with your doctor or midwife while you are pregnant and check out our resources about breastfeeding.