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Nevada’s Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation

Child care providers who have met requirements outlined in the following form are encouraged to apply for this distinction. It has been developed to recognize child care providers who have taken steps to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding in their program. Awardees will receive a Certificate of Recognition, a campaign sticker, poster, and inclusion on our campaign website.

Participation in the program can benefit your child care center in a number of ways:

  • Babies — Breastfed babies have less risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, asthma, ear infections, diarrhea, vomiting, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Mothers — Breastfeeding lowers a mom’s risk of breast and ovarian cancer, enhances the bond with her baby, and speeds recovery from childbirth.
  • Child care — Being breastfeeding friendly may lead to better daily attendance, healthier children, higher parent satisfaction, and more public recognition.
  • Everyone — Breastfeeding friendly child care helps everyone by improving breastfeeding rates, leading to healthier Nevada communities

Becoming a Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Center is free, simply fill out the following form for review. The designation lasts for three years and we of course encourage centers to reapply when their designation has expired!

Child Care Center Designation Application

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 8

Name of Person(s) Completing Application*
Name 1