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Breastfeeding Welcomed Here

The Breastfeeding Welcomed Here campaign was created to encourage more women to breastfeed their babies and to breastfeed for a longer duration by making their communities more breastfeeding friendly. The use of this logo alerts moms to public locations where they may breastfeed comfortably, while encouraging the perception that breastfeeding is normal, accepted and welcomed throughout Nevada.

According to the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding, a woman’s ability to initiate and sustain breastfeeding is influenced by a host of factors, including the community in which she lives.  The extent to which the community supports or discourages breastfeeding can be crucial to a mother’s breastfeeding success.  If breastfeeding is embraced as a normal way to feed infants, more women will breastfeed, improving the health of mothers and infants for the better at present and for the long-term.

Breastfeeding Welcomed Here Pledge

Breastfeeding persons or people need all the support they can get. By taking the Breastfeeding Welcomed Here pledge, you agree to provide an environment where breastfeeding mothers are able to sit anywhere and enjoy a welcoming attitude from staff, management and other patrons while breastfeeding.

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Become a Supporter

The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services partners with community partners to recognize businesses which support breastfeeding families through the Breastfeeding Welcomed Here campaign. Nevada Revised Statute (N.R.S) 201.232 authorizes women to breastfeed in public, anywhere they are otherwise authorized to be. However, some businesses and employees may be unaware of this law, resulting in difficult situations for a mother when feeding their child.  The Breastfeeding Welcomed Here campaign aims for businesses to demonstrate their support of breastfeeding persons by making a pledge to support breastfeeding people at their establishment and advertise this commitment by displaying the Breastfeeding Welcomed Here logo visibly at their places of business.

FAQs – Breastfeeding Welcomed Here

Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses

The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services recognizes the importance of supporting a breastfeeding friendly community by encouraging businesses to support breastfeeding mothers.  A number of businesses in Nevada have taken important steps to support breastfeeding mothers, and have taken the Breastfeeding Welcomed Here pledge.

Find a Breastfeeding Friendly Businesses